Thursday, March 21, 2013


The Tenth Mad Open Mic will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 at a new venue at la Libreria Fuentetaja (upstairs), Calle San Bernardo, Metro Noviciado.

Registration is now open.


Guidelines for Performers:

- Your presentation must be your own creative words; spoken or readspoken. It can be a story, poem, lyrics (but no music), creative essay...

- We will readspeak in cycles of 3 minutes each. Please clock your readings ahead of time. The first set will be followed by the newly instituted one minute spontaneous presentations open to all present. Again it must be your own words.

- Presentations will be in English.

- Sign up by emailing: by May 16, 2012.

- Put Open Mic in the Subject or Asunto of the email.

- Include a short sample of your work or give me an idea of what you are planning to readspeak to help in the planning.

- Late registrants will be included when possible.

- For updates check: and click on the open mic icon.

Final Line up May 22, 2013

1. Nicola Hardy
2. Keef Williamson
3. Noelle Williamson
4.Clive Hiley
5. Jez Patterson
6. Miriam Foley
7. Rebecca Strong
8. Nicola Prentis
9. Rodena Borisova
10. Claire Jasinski
11. Leopoldo Fornes
12. Matilde Fluixa
13. Madcity - Bryn Charles
14. Kameron Sterling
15. Eboli de Mer
16. Janel Torkington
17. Jake Shane
18. Sue Burke
19. Celia Knight
20. Peter Wessel
21. Marjorie Kanter
22. Cece Abbassi
23. Francisco Diaz Aguilar
24. Nina Valdez
25. Maletsatsi Monareng
26. Miriam Lyle
27. Dominic Anglim

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Cafe Concierto La Fidula will be in the middle of 'obras' in the New Year the next, the 10th Mad Open Mic is on hold until the work is finished.I will post the new date when I hear from Juan that everything is ready for us to schedule the next event.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Tenth Mad Open Mic: Captured Words for Feb 2013

In case you are looking here for information about the Tenth Mad Open Mic: Captured Words, look back in about a month. Tentatively I am setting Feb 12th, a Wednesday as usual, for our big Tenth event. I still have to confirm with La Fidula and will listen to comments about the date before I finalize it.

As you will see with a newer post, the event is at our new location Libreria Fuentetaja on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, calle San Bernardo 35.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The 9th Mad Open Mic: Captured words - Date set

The date for the Ninth Mad Open Mic has been set for Wednesday, April 18, 2012 at Cafe Concierto La Fidula in Madrid on Calle Huertas 57. Registration is now open until April 4, 2012. Please write to and place Ninth Mad Open Mic Registration in your subject heading. See you there.

Participants registered as of March 19, 2012:

1. Alex Owen-Hill, poetry
2. Violeta Brana-Lafourcade, her words
3. Jez Patterson, short story
4. Filip Makowski, poetry
5. Yulia Shymko, poetry
6. Mabel Lee, poetry
7. Matthew Bass, poetry
8. Nicole Angela Pearson, short story
9. Janel Torkington, poetry her style
10. Rodena Borisova, poetry,
11. Marjorie Kanter, short literary pieces
12. Lance Tooks, from graphic novel
13. Ben Rowdon, lyrics
14. Celia A. Knight, poetry
15. Leopoldo Fornes, memoir
16. Nina Valdes, non-fiction excerpt
17. Ernesto L. Abeytia, poetry
18. Mike Mirth, poetry
19. Margot Kimball, light piece
20. Vivian Yates, poetry
21. John Dapolito, short story
22. Rod Musselman, lyrics
23. Daniel Vincent, poetry
24. Jonathan Teuma, slam

Friday, July 08, 2011

The 9th Mad Open Mic: Captured Words

The 9th Mad Open Mic will be held on Wednesday, April 18, 2012. Now open for registration.

Cafe Concierto La Fidula
Calle Huertas 57, Madrid
(Metros Sevilla, Banco, Anton Martin)

This is a yearly and often twice yearly forum held in Madrid, Spain since 2008 for reading/speaking/performing one´s creative words in English. Come to present your own work or just to listen in. Open to the public. No entry fee. You pay (only) for what you consume.

Guidelines for Performers:
- Your presentation must be your own creative words; spoken or readspoken. It can be a story, poem, lyrics (but no music), creative essay...
- We will readspeak in cycles of 3 minutes each. Please clock your readings ahead of time. The first set will be followed by the newly instituted one minute spontaneous presentations open to all present. Again it must be your own words.
- Presentations will be in English.
- Sign up by emailing: by April 4, 2012.
- Put Open Mic in the Subject or Asunto of the email.
- Include a short sample of your work or give me an idea of what you are planning to readspeak to help in the planning.
- Late registrants will be included when possible.
- For updates check: and click on the open mic icon.

Participants registered as of March 19, 2012:

1. Alex Owen-Hill, poetry
2. Violeta Brana-Lafourcade, her words
3. Jez Patterson, short story
4. Filip Makowski, poetry
5. Yulia Shymko, poetry
6. Mabel Lee, poetry
7. Dominic Anglim, his words
8. Matthew Bass, poetry
9. Nicole Angela Pearson, short story
10. Janel Torkington, poetry her style
11. Laura Hearfield, poetry
12. Marjorie Kanter, short literary pieces
13. Lance Tooks, from graphic novel
14. Ben Rowdon, lyrics
15. Celia Al Knight, poetry
16. Leopoldo Fornes, memoir
17. Nina Valdes, non-fiction excerpt
18. Ernesto L. Abeytia, poetry
19. Mike Mirth, poetry
20. Margot Kimball, light piece
21. Bryn Charles, free lance meditation
22. John Dapolito, short story
23. Rod Musselman, lyrics
24. Daniel Vincent, poetry
25. Jonathan Teuma, slam
Participants of the 8th Mad Open Mic:

1. Éboli de Mer - Parody
2. Violeta Brana-Lafourcade
3. Bryn Charles
4. Celia A. Knight -
5. Lance Tooks
6. Kathleen Hershner
7. Mudra Mukesh
8. Marjorie Kanter
9. Georgia Varjas
10. Jeff Wiseman
11. Charles almond
12. Dominic Anglim
13. Jose Recio
14. Laura hearfield
15. Janel Torkington
16. Chris Tasaka
17. Gyula Friewald
18. Alex Owen-Hill
19. John Dapolito
20. Sue Burke
21. Daniel Vicent

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Univeristy of Alicante

Seminar Workshop on Creativity and Writing: A threaded Sequence facilitated by Marjorie Kanter at the University of Alicante, April 18 and 19. This series of three, two hour workshops is process oriented and interactive. Participants worked through exercises, activities and reflection.

Sample of the outcome of an expansion to reduction activity ending in a tweet:

1. Entered in your heartOrdering loveRecieved you in mineConsuming meSo I paid for selfishnessBut didn't left this circle.

2. Entered barOrdered whiskyReceived lonely eveningConsumed social abutmentPaid for my believesAnd left with my pride.

3. My1DayAtUni,IEnteredAndUpStairs.Sm1OrderedMyClassAndIReceivedVeryNiceExplanation.ThenWeConsumedACoffeAndHepaid.Finally,ILeft.

College English Association

Paper presented in St. Petersburg, Florida at the College English Association 42nd Annual Convention March 31- April 2, 2011. Title of paper:Expat Writer: Multiple Language Use in Context.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

M. Kanter presented Im/polite Matters: Creative Texts and Projects with a power point presentation of Im/politeness: One Hundred Im/polite Days by Marjorie Kanter at the 4th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication (15-17 November 2010). This is an artist’s project meant for reflection and dialogue on communication and incommunication in general and politeness and impoliteness in particular; both within a culture and crossing cultures. The texts were generated and then posted one per day between December 2, 2009 and March 11, 2010 on Tweeter and Facebook (and have become a book ISBN 978-84-614-2674-4) as part of Ms. Kanter’s participation in the London Word Festival. Following the 144 character maximum per entry allowed on Twitter, the 100+2 entries investigate, experiment, create, reflect, document and invite dialogue/participation. These tweets include creative texts, questions, quotes, statements, cartoons, references, film/video, etc. Readers are invited/incited to join in dialogue provoked/sparked by these short texts.

The Tweet portion of the project can be viewed on Authorstream at

Other Marjorie Kanter pages specific to Im/Politeness :

Facebook impoliteness:

The CLAN (Corpus of Language & Nature) Research team at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Mouton journal “Intercultural Pragmatics” held the 4th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication (15-17 November 2010).
The conferences and workshops were sponsored by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (FFI2010-08959- subprograma FILO) and the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, in Madrid Spain.