Monday, February 18, 2008

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras I

(Organiza: Dra. Mária Vega)

Miércoles, 20 de Febrero de 2008

Aulas 41 ó 45 (dependiendo del número de asistentes, ambas están proximas)

Alexander Andrasson, Marjorie Kanter, Jenny Ramsey, Reni Todorova

10:30 Alexander Andrasson
Title: Vilamovicés (Wymysöriś) – la más pequeña lengua germánica.

Summary: Está ponencia intenta acercar al público universitario español una lengua germánica prácticamente desconocida tanto por los estudiantes como por los docentes. Vilomovicés es una lengua hablada por 80 personas en el sur de Polonia. Sus orígenes, como en el caso del yiddish (otra lengua germánica hablada antes en el territorio polaco) remontan probablemente hasta el medio-alto alemán. La posición del vilamovicés dentro de la familia germánica es especial por varias razones: algunos rasgos morfológicos (infinitivos tanto en n como en a), el fenómeno de la aglutinación a la cadena verbal de los pronombres y algunos adverbios, polonización del consonantismo, o por su desarrollo tan diferente de lo que ocurrió en el yiddish. En consecuencia, el vilamovicés es una lengua muy interesante para la lingüística germánica, y ante todo para mejor entendimiento del fenómeno language contact.

Durante esta presentación se presentará 1) la historia del vilamovicés, 2) sus rasgos gramaticales y 3) su carácter especial en comparación con el yiddish y otras lenguas germánicas. La ponencia se basa en escasos textos literarios preservados en el vilamovicés y en la investigación llevada a cabo desde el año 2007 por Alexander Andrason y otros miembros del ELPR – Wymysöriś.

Bio-note: Alexander Andrason: lingüista investigando en la tipólogía, gramática comparada y diacrónica, fenómeno de lenguas en contacto, lenguas indoeuropeas y semíticas, lenguas en extinción. M.A. en la gramática islandesa; M.A. en la filología románica; B.A. en la lingüística general; B.A. en la filología islandesa; B.A. en la filología románica; títulos universitarios (nivel superior) en lengua árabe y sueca. Desde 2006 ha trabajado como profesor en varias universidades en Islandia, España, Marruecos, Polonia y Montenegro. Director del Proyecto de Rescate de Lenguas en Extinción (ELRP – Wymysöriś).

11:30 Marjorie Kanter
Title: A Writer's Point of View: Readings for an Interactive Session

Summary: Marjorie Kanter ( will read texts from her book, projects, and writings in process. These texts are culled from her journals of the past twenty some years during which time she has lived and traveled in Madrid, Southern Spain, the Dominican Republic, Morocco and the United States. Her work captures events and personal experiences of real life in different cultural and geographical environments. The readings will serve as the platform for pursuing the issues they spark and highlight; matters such as mis/communication, code switching, translation, creativity, points of view, identity, the pragmatic issues of intent, act and function, etc.


Marjorie Kanter (author of "I displace the air as I walk"*, other writings and word art installations) was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA , has known Spain since 1965, and lived here for the past 24 years. "Writing found me. A need -- to communicate with self, take distance, get inside my feelings and experiences -- all provoked me to keep journals that slowly turned into finished poem-like pieces largely in narrative form. My first career was as a Bilingual Speech and Language Therapist, then Teacher Trainer around issues of Bilingual Education, Special Education, Language Development, Intercultural Matters, and now Writer-Author and Trainer. I strive to mesh (all) my different selves, experiences and interests: communication, linguistics, the workings of the mind (cognition and emotion), social workings (relationships), and culture(s).

*"I displace the air as I walk" is a collection of short literary pieces: narrative stories in condensed form and poem-like pieces that reflect larger universal themes of understanding and misunderstanding, communication and miscommunication.

12:30 Jenny Ramsey
Title: Mi Mundo Celta/My Celtic World
The Story Girl', is a Scottish storyteller and painter resident in Spain. Her creativity is inspired by Nature and to human beings. Because of her concern and interest for the environmental and social problems that our planet is offer sows story seeds, believing that through ancestral wisdom, we can connect again to Nature and start to look after all the life inside her. Here we accompany Jennifer on a visit to her native land, to her Celtic World.

Following the traditional rune of Celtic hospitality 'When a visitor arrives there is food in the eating place, drink in the drinking place and stories and music in the listening place', Jennifer takes us to the hospitality of her grandmother's house in the Scottish Highlands. And there, around the fireplace, we start the magical visit to her Celtic World with Shortbread, ribena, legends, riddles and secrets of this green, mysterious land. We'll visit an enchanted forest full of ancient, wise trees and a Scottish castle where a giant ghost lives. We'll also visit an Irish king who has donkey's ears and listen to a lullaby from her infancy.

The respect that the Celts had for Nature is the essence of all these stories: we have to look after our home.

We'll finish with Scottish dancing in this unforgettable journey.

13:30 Reni Todorova Profesora búlgara de turco

Sobre Metodología

Terminaremos sobre las 14:30